Category Archives: DIY

Visit our newest store at Kamakana Ali’i

ALOHA Oahu Bikini babes! Let us take you back to our Grand Opening event on February 17, 2017.This will be our 6th store on the island of  Oahu. It’s located in the new Ka Makana Ali’i mall in Kapolei (between KoKo & Palenki and Skechers). We are obsessed with its wide open space, classic white walls, and floor to ceiling windows, which sets the tone for a minimal atmosphere that beautifully showcases our bikinis.

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Aloha- Boo Pumpkin DIY

With Halloween just around the corner, we know whats on your mind. Crisp fall weather, last minute costume ideas (hey, you could always be an SL merbabe, just sayin!), and pumpkin spiced everything. Here in Hawaii, the rain has settled and the sun has been loving us more than ever. We’ve traded in rainy days for warm ones, and while we can’t complain, we still want to keep the fall spirit alive. That’s exactly why we spent Sunday afternoon gathered around the Haleiwa store decorating pumpkins and snacking on candy. Hawaii may trade in crispy multi colored fall leaves for palm trees, but we still know how to celebrate the season. We do some things differently here on the island, so we decided to show you just how we decorate our pumpkins for Halloween, SL style!

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May Day is Lei Day! Download your FREE wallpaper!

For all you wild spirited beach babes out there wishing for the summer sun and sand between your toes we have a Lei Day treat for you!

Every month we will be sharing exclusive wallpapers designed for your smartphone. We hope they help you dream of paradise and that you love them as much as we do! Click below to download this month’s wallpaper. Be sure to share with friends and embrace the aloha spirit!

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DIY: Halloween Mermaid-Style

Procrastination at its best is when you have TWO DAYS before Halloween and grab everything around your house to create your own costume!

For all you merbabes at heart, this one is for you. Put your own twist on it, it’s quick and affordable — not to mention you could use it for so many other occasions, because who doesn’t need a crown on a regular basis. BOW DOWN, boyfriends.

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Kauaʻi in a day

San Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to KauaiSan Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to Kauai todolist

San Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to KauaiSan Lorenzo Bikinis Garder San Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to KauaiSan Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to KauaiIMG_3610San Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to KauaiSan Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to Kauai

San Lorenzo Bikinis Kauai

Some of our favorite spots

–  Haena Beach

– Hanalei Taro & Co Food truck

– Twin Falls

notephoto 5IMG_3548photo-1San Lorenzo Bikinis Day Trip to Kauai

San Lorenzo Bikinis Kauai



Shop the Garder here!

Share a few of your Spring Break adventures + follow our instagram @SanLorenzo_Bikinis for more pictures!