Monthly Archives: February 2015

2015 SI Swimsuit Edition

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

That’s right ladies, the 2015 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition has finally graced us with its presence, which means we finally get to flip through pages of beautiful locations, beautiful babes and of course, beautiful swimwear.

We couldn’t be more excited to be featured for the fourth time in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. Creating swimwear that brings together Hawaii’s Aloha spirit and South American flare for babes around the world is our passion and we are so lucky to be able to do this every day.

But enough about that… how ‘bout them babes & bikinis?

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Bon Appetit, My ‘Kini Loving Heart Giveaway

Love is in the air & whether you want it or not Valentine’s is on its way and there is no reason not to celebrate! Grab yourself a hot date & stare into each other’s eyes or snag up your best gal to show the single life is the good life & you don’t need no man!

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Will You Bi[kini] Mine? Giveaway

Whether you’ve played the role of a minx all year, cuddled up to your bae throughout the holidays, or see this upcoming V-Day as an illusive over-commercialized ploy … We have a gift that babes of all types will jump through hoops for!

So get to stretchin’, tighten that kini up and get ready for the jumpin’!

We have teamed up with our favorite boutique hotel on Oahu, The Modern Honolulu for a Valentine’s getaway package like no other. Not only do you get a one night-stay, but you will be spending your entire day lounging poolside at their swanky poolside daybed! Now, we can’t let you chill by the pool in last week’s rags … so we’re OBVIOUSLY hooking you up with a San Lorenzo Bikinis Cabana Bag. You will be equipped with all the essentials worthy of a poolside goddess.

TMH Sign Exterior copyTMH Sign Exterior copy2

Now for the rules. Enter to win by following the instructions below. Keep in mind that this giveaway is ONLY for merbabes in Hawaii (airfare not included if living outside of Oahu). We’ve got something in store for the rest of you, don’t fret your pretty little heads!

  1. On Instagram you must post a picture of whom [or what, this is acceptable for the anti-valentine babes of the world] you want to spend your V-Day with.
  2. The picture must showcase YOU/best friend/ or girlfriend in a SL bikini (with your babe/your best friend,OPTIONAL). *All pictures must be posted on or after 2/1/15.
  3. Tell us why you want to getaway with that babe or your bestie.
  4. Tag and Follow @SanLorenzo_Oahu + @ModernHonolulu on Instagram
  5. Hashtag #BikiniMine *Make your profile PUBLIC so we can find you! Must be 18 years and older to win.

So grab your phones, get set and GO! You have until 2/12 to ENTER! Boys … *cough*cough* get your girl something she ACTUALLY wants this Valentine’s. Single ladies, vouch for your besties and win yourself the ultimate “in yo face” getaway! With much love, we wish you the best of luck, may the best babe win.