Meet Rocky Barnes, The Bikini It – Girl

Rachel “Rocky” Barnes; a household name to bikini lovers, fashionistas and bloggers across the globe. We were lucky enough to call her a muse and model for our Fall 2015 Collection Vintage Aloha. Whether she’s dazzling us with her stunning photos, hosting a meet & greet for fans at our store, or sharing her travel adventures with us, we will never stop being in ah of her talent and charisma. After our fall shoot we got the chance to ask Rocky a few questions about modeling, life outside of work  and how she got her famous nickname 🙂

In between shots I heard you mention that you love modeling because you get to tell a story through the photographs. What kind of story were you telling as you modeled for our VINTAGE ALOHA collection?

 Rocky: I grew up going to Hawaii every summer as a kid… I felt like the classic aloha style is something I connect with… Was working with Derren to put together a narrative about a classic day at Waikiki… Similar to something in the days of giget and moondoggie.


We know you shoot with our photographer muse Derren Versoza frequently. We love how he captures natural beauty in all of his photographs. What do you admire most about his photography?
Rocky: I love how Derren is so fun to be around, he makes you feel so comfortable and when you are having fun, you get the best photos!
Derren brought along his sidekick/videographer/music artist Leo Cabal for the shoot. It was so fun listening to him play music throughout the day. What music gets you into the zone before a shoot?
Rocky: I am a sucker for dance music. Anything with a good beat that makes you want to move!
We had the pleasure of doing hair and makeup at your house, and we fell in love with how you’ve decorated it. What was your inspiration behind the vibe of your home?
Rocky: I call my place tribal beach. I love a simple white pallet with pops of color from different pieces I’ve collected.
 You’ve grown so much this year, especially after starting your blog. It’s been inspiring to watch you grow. How do you manage being so successful while still being so down to earth and true to yourself?
Rocky: I think it’s important to keep people around you that love you and want the best for you! If I ever start to get a big head, I’m sure my mom will be the first to let me know:)
Last but not least, we’re sure we aren’t the only ones dying to know! Sooo…how did you get the nickname Rocky?
Rocky: It was actually my moms nickname for me… It eventually caught on an now everyone calls me rocky 🙂
Photos by Derren Versoza

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