Tag Archives: Greta Evans


I had been on Oahu for two days when I got the call from San Lorenzo Bikinis that they wanted to send my best friend Amber and I to the island of Molokai to shoot. The moment I got off the phone with SL, I was so excited. I had never been to another Hawaiian island before, and Amber (who’s been to many) hadn’t been to Molokai either. It would be a new experience for both of us, and I was anxious to get there. San Lorenzo booked our tickets, and we were set to leave a few days after. Since we were only staying a couple of days, we packed really light. Here’s what we brought.

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A new year, a new story by Greta Rose Evans

Today is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.

Just like a book, our lives are made up of a series of chapters and every chapter represents a year of our life. In each chapter, we experience different things, meet new people, change, and grow. And just like a book, we have no idea where the plot will take us. Sometimes that can make us feel scared, but other times knowing that fills us with hope. Be hopeful that whatever lies ahead is better than what has gone. Be hopeful that the unknown holds good things for you. Today is the perfect day to reflect on what the past year has taught you, and to decide where you want to go in this next chapter of your life. Maybe some of you want to get to know yourself more, dive deeper into your spirituality, travel the world, create room in your life for more loving souls. Maybe you want to make this next chapter about getting healthy again, or maybe you want to take more risks and overcome certain fears. No matter what your goals are for this new year, the most important thing is knowing you are the one who chooses them. You can make this new year as amazing as you want to and you can accomplish every goal you set. And while we may not be able to control every plot twist that comes along, we do have a say in how we feel about it and use it. Today I’ve chosen to let all the twists and turns inspire me rather than throw me off my game. I know that if I can have a positive outlook this year, I can make the most of every experience that comes my way. This is your story, and you’re the author of it. So decide what you want, set your intention, and watch this next amazing chapter of your life unfold. This life is your book, make sure you write a good one!

Embrace Yourself

In today’s society, it takes strong, conscious effort to not compare ourselves to other girls. With the daily overstimulation by means of social media (scrolling through other girls’ photos, analyzing their profiles, critiquing them in full from behind that little glass screen) it’s easy to get caught up in the notion of competition. But take a moment to ask yourself, what is it exactly that you’re competing for? And while numerous reasons may come to mind, the strongest underlying motive always seems to hold constant: the attention of men. Girls want to feel wanted. It becomes something to strive for.
In reality though, the competition only exists once you enter it; It is a choice that each and every one of us has the power to make. Embrace that. And once you do, I can promise that your energy will change. People who have learned to find comfort in their own skin have a way about them that’s infectious. People gravitate towards them, naturally.So, point being, be the woman that you were born to be and allow things to fall into place. And once you get there, spread that liberation to others. We’re all in this together.


What is it about summer that brings out our wild side? Our side that seeks the unknown that awakens a thirst for adventure. A time to discover the limitless of the world and yourself. Be a wanderer. Uncover the unknown. Find your passion and let go.

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Featuring the Bohemian Stain Glass Deep V Monokini

Photographer: Berkley Vopnfjord | Muse: Greta Evans