Embrace Yourself

In today’s society, it takes strong, conscious effort to not compare ourselves to other girls. With the daily overstimulation by means of social media (scrolling through other girls’ photos, analyzing their profiles, critiquing them in full from behind that little glass screen) it’s easy to get caught up in the notion of competition. But take a moment to ask yourself, what is it exactly that you’re competing for? And while numerous reasons may come to mind, the strongest underlying motive always seems to hold constant: the attention of men. Girls want to feel wanted. It becomes something to strive for.
In reality though, the competition only exists once you enter it; It is a choice that each and every one of us has the power to make. Embrace that. And once you do, I can promise that your energy will change. People who have learned to find comfort in their own skin have a way about them that’s infectious. People gravitate towards them, naturally.So, point being, be the woman that you were born to be and allow things to fall into place. And once you get there, spread that liberation to others. We’re all in this together.

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