Visit our newest store at Kamakana Ali’i

ALOHA Oahu Bikini babes! Let us take you back to our Grand Opening event on February 17, 2017.This will be our 6th store on the island of  Oahu. It’s located in the new Ka Makana Ali’i mall in Kapolei (between KoKo & Palenki and Skechers). We are obsessed with its wide open space, classic white walls, and floor to ceiling windows, which sets the tone for a minimal atmosphere that beautifully showcases our bikinis.

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We’re so thrilled to connect with Our West Oahu community. We hope our store will be as appealing and sparkling as this beautiful Kapolei area.

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Photo Mar 21

Beyond this pure white and & simple beautiful atmosphere, the day was full of thrilling activities! We had a DIY table on the opening dayMacrame bracelets! See how to make your own here >> 




You know a girl’s gotta have ice cream, a big mahalo to @MagnoliaIceCream for coming out and  making our Grand Opening Event so memorable & tasty! Visit Magnolia Ice Cream at any of their store locations, we promise it’s SO worth it!!!


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So bring your Merbabe’s spirit under the palms, snap pics and don’t forget to share your SL experience  #slkamakanaalii. Be sure to show us how much you love our new store! You can also follow us on snapchat at slbikinis to see the latest from the store and be sure to take those selfies!

Our store is open from Monday to Saturday 10:00am – 9:00pm and on   Sundays 10:00am – 6:00pm. Location 1102, see you soon!






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